this unknowing sprinkled team

There are people 
who are sprinkled throughout your life
who make up an unknowing team. 

A team
of cheerleaders
of dads when yours isn’t there
of safe spaces
of confidantes who let you bum cigarettes that simultaneously comfort you and
– you assume – 
communicate, “I’m going through some shit.”

And the team is so intermittent
so piecemeal and here and there and in short special moments 
but every now and then, something happens, and you recognize that the team might have been what kept you going all along.

you’re not quite sure how to thank the team. 
because life keeps moving.
and sometimes the moments are so spread out.
and random.
and you don’t quite know which one will be the last one, but you’re grateful for the one that was. 

they’re all deeply meaningful 
and in hindsight you can’t believe how lucky you were to have them. 
this team. 
this unknowing, sprinkled team.

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