more to follow

Still, it’s a work in progress.

I haven’t written a blog for a bit. I’ve been sorting through what its purpose is, how often I want to write, how personal I want to get. Still, it’s a work in progress.

I’ve alternated between a once a week goal, an every other week goal, a once a month goal. I try to keep a running list of topics I could explore, letting inspiration come to me rather than forcing topics that don’t come from the heart.  I try to keep things generalized so that they are relatable and vulnerable but somehow don’t divulge too much of myself. No surprise, my mind races with all the ways I can make this, too, “perfect”.

At the heart of it, though, is a platform and an opportunity to connect. An opportunity to openly explore this existence. It’s imperfect and it’s undefined. It’s the pilgrimage that is my life…and yours (a concept articulated by Paulo Coelho in this episode of Becoming Wise).

“The purpose of life is to help others through it.” – Peter Matthiessen

I’m not claiming anything by this statement. But it is a mantra that I hold on to as I experience the current transitions that I am undergoing and process the decisions that will lead to my next chapter.  

Some other mantras I keep with me:

  • Write what you need to hear.
  • Someone else may need to hear what you have to write.
  • Create the things you wish existed.

In time. Cautious honesty is hard as hell, and I find myself struggling with wanting to write from the heart while simultaneously wanting to protect it. I value vulnerability and connection, though, and I hope to continue to explore that as I’m able.

I know there is no expectation here, but please know there is more to follow.


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