
I had to let go. And trust that new life would be born.

Written November 6, 2018…

I woke up to a windstorm last night. In my mind, I likened it to my emotions. How they come in waves. Sometimes fierce and torrential, destructive even. But I can trust that it will pass. It always passes.

Fall brought so much beauty. In death. In the breakdown. Rich and vivid colors of pain and truth. I held on to the leaves so tightly. Every day soaking in their beauty and thereby their pain. Until one night a windstorm took them away.

I had to let go. And trust that new life would be born. New colors. New beauty. New pains. But for now, death.

Rest. Nurture. Curl up and succumb to the breakdown. The cycle. This too shall pass. Be here now.

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